Thursday 13 October 2016

Church windows

Roosvenster kathedraal Amiens

Casanova, on his death bed, was reputed to remark, "I lived a philosopher. I died a Christian." One admires an image like this and wonders if such a thing could exist if not divinely inspired?

Beautiful Canterbury Cathedral, England

I dont care about your future by castiellightworkers8 on DeviantArt

gothic architecture

gothic architecture is the best!

magic by castiellightworkers8 on DeviantArt

Abandoned gothic Architecture | love the architecture | Abandoned Forgotten Places

Wednesday 6 April 2016

how to become awkward like Nate River

alter ego? by castiellightworkers8 on DeviantArt

Wednesday 2 March 2016


Black and white photograph centered on a woman who apparently longs for companionship. The walls reach out to hold and comfort her; implying a bond both household and human must share through a loss. The wall doesn't just stretch out; the mass forms human hands that hug the woman like a lover.

Disturbing black and white fairy tale photos

Disturbing black and white fairy tale photos

Photographer Miwa Yanagi's black and white fairy tale series is surreal and disturbing, featuring macabre twists on classic tales that will get under your skin and haunt you.

Saturday 23 January 2016

Classic Chinese opera mask, paper mache. Based on a tradition for warriors to scare the enemy

Saturday 16 January 2016

Three Rivers Deep

This Forest Is Filled With Ghosts (This is awesome)

Not all dolls are darling. Some are haunted, and others are down right scary. Dolls have been used as props in horror movies, Gothic themed decor,...


creepy front yard decore


this is a gorgeous display! definitely something to get shoppers attention and make them stop to take a closer look