The Koi or Carp Fish represents wealth and prosperity, as the actual word in Chinese for fish translates into "abundance".
The Carp is especially celebrated for its strength and bravery; as it is
said to live for over 100 years and continuously swims upstream,
against the currents and fights adversity throughout its entire life.
feng shui,
Carp are related to goldfish or Koi, thus placing three goldfish in a
bowl brings about prosperity amid adversity. It is also believed that
statues or pictures of Koi or Carp will bring good fortune to your home
or business.
Keys - Three keys
worn together symbolise the unlocking of the doors to health, wealth
and love.
The Chinese Cranes
Longevity, health, happiness, wisdom and good luck
Acorn luck symbol
- The acorn is
considered to be an emblem of good luck, prosperity, youthfulness and
power, the acorn is a good luck symbol. The acorn may often also
represent spiritual growth. The Norse believed that acorns displayed on
a windowsill would protect a house from lightening. This may seem
somewhat trivial to many of us today but back in the day it was a
widely accepted idea.
- strengthens
the aura, and also balances the yin and yang. It attracts compassion,
protects against evil influences, accidental injury and brings good
- wealth, money
Chinese often say money can make a ghost turn a millstone. It is to say
money really can do a lot of things.
The Lucky Money Cat
Money luck, business, wealth, prosperity and opportunities
Dolphins are
considered lucky by many peoples around the world, including the
Ancient cultures of Greece, Sumer, Egypt, and Rome. For Christians and
Native Americans, the dolphin is a symbol of protection, and it`s image
is said to bring good luck. The belief comes from the known fact that
ancient sailors who spent several months or years away from land, found
that seeing dolphins swimming around their ships to be the first clear
sign that land was near.
The Frog has been a symbol of prosperity, wealth, friendship and abundance in many cultures and a symbol of fertility in others.
In the Native American culture of the Southwest, the Frog carries a
piece of wood in its mouth, because the Mojave people believe Frogs
brought fire to humans.
For the Romans, the Frog was a mascot believed to bring Good Luck to one's home.
The native Aborigines of Australia, believed that Frogs brought the thunder and rain, to help the plants to grow.
Frogs are also said to be effective in speeding up recovery from disease.
Among the ancient Egyptians and Greeks, Frogs symbolized inspiration and fertility.
In Egypt,
Hekt, the Frog goddess, protected new-born babies, hence Frogs are symbols of fertility and birth.
The Frog is also said to attract true friends and to help you find long-lasting love and in asian culture
Frogs are said to bring fortune and luck.
In many Asian cultures, the frog or toad represents the yin side of nature,
symbolizes the moon and can bring healing and prosperity. The Money Frog or Fortune Frog, called
"Chan Chu" in Chinese, is particularly attuned as a conduit for the positive energy transfer of good fortune and prosperity.
The Money Frog (actually a three-legged toad), often holds a coin in its
mouth and has a string of coins around his feet. He is thought to be
the Chinese God of Wealth's personal pet. The frog representing the flow
of wealth, money and luck, should be placed either facing a
main entrance,
or in the northern (career) area or in the southeastern (wealth) area
to activate the flow of prosperity in your life. In a store, it should
be placed prominently near the cash register, facing the direction of
the door.
A family of frogs living in your
garden are said to bring good luck to your home and all it's occupants.
The Chinese Ox symbolizes success, abundance and the accumulation of wealth.
Oxen are steady, honest, gentle and reliable creatures. Patience and
hard work bring success to the Ox. The Ox brings good luck in
investments, business, the stock market, career, or in any financial
situation. The Ox is considered a sacred animal in many parts of Asia;
and has been known to grant wishes.
As an emblem of spring, the Ox represents a bountiful harvest, happiness, joyful news and signs of a good year ahead.
Display the Ox in the southeast corner of your house, to activate wealth and generate prosperity for the whole family.
The Ox makes a perfect gift for newlyweds, co-workers and entrepreneurs. | | |
Cats are also able to see in the dark and will frighten away
evil spirits that have bad intentions toward your success.
The Money Cat is best-placed on your office
or next to a cash register. In your home, you should display the symbol
of the cat in the southeastern, (wealth) area, or in the northeastern
(inner knowledge) area.
Due to its long life, Elephants are a Symbol of overcoming death.
Elephants are good luck in Feng Shui and the Ganeshsa is the Hindu God of Luck.
Elephant figurines placed on shelves or by doorways are said to ensure longevity and luck.
Elephants are a Symbol of Wisdom, Power, Loyalty, Intelligence, Strength and Solitude.
The Horse
symbolizes success, loyalty, courage, speed and endurance. It is also
said the horse can bring about career success, business cures and
stimulate a good reputation.
Dream Catchers
Dreamcatchers, from Native American culture, are considered good luck, because they catch the negative images from dreams.
Feathers are an
ancient charm for bringing good luck and they represent the journey of
the soul to the other realm.
Leaf Clover-is a
renown symbol that means good luck to the person who finds one. What do
the leaves symbolize?
One leaf is for FAITH...The second for HOPE... The third for LOVE...
And the fourth for LUCK! In Irish tradition the Shamrock or Three-leaf
Clover represents the Holy Trinity: one leaf for the Father, one for
the Son and one for the Holy Spirit. When a Shamrock is found with the
fourth leaf, it represents God's Grace.
- Blessing, Good Fortune, Good Luck
Fu is one of the most popular Chinese characters used in Chinese New
Year. It is often posted upside down on the front door of a house or an
apartment. The upside down fu means good luck came since the character
for upsite down in Chinese sounds the same as the character for came.
"See a penny pick it up and all day long you'll have good luck. Leave it there and you'll despair."
Some even take the idea of luck to the other side of the coin, and
believe that if the coin is face down that it's best to leave it on the
ground. Luckiest of all, are Coins that are bent or have holes in them,
especially if they turn up as change after making a purchase. The luck
of such Coins is enhanced if they are carried in a left-hand pocket or
worn around the neck.
Coins can bring luck in many ways.
- You will have good luck if you keep a jar of pennies in the kitchen.
- The first Coin you receive each day should be placed in an otherwise empty pocket and it will attract more.
- A Coin in a new jacket, handbag, or wallet will bring good luck.
- If you get pennies as change on a Monday, you will have good luck all week long.
- Many people consider it lucky to carry a Coin with their
birth date.
- Some say that a Coin minted in a leap year will bring good fortune.
Coins also have a place in Feng Shui, as luck bringers.
A Horseshoe symbolizes good luck, power of evil, good fortune and fertility.
- lucky, auspicious, propitious
Hope all is well.
- Prosperity
It used to mean official's salary in feudal China. Fengshui is believed
to be the Chinese way to health, wealth and happiness. If you are
interested in Fengshui, you may check out the book 'The Feng Shui Kit.'
Penny-Lots of superstitions
around money. Almost all forms of currency have at least one
superstition associated with them. The most common superstition heard
today, with respect to the penny, is the rhyming verse: "Find a penny,
pick it up, and all day long you'll have good luck."
Rainbows are considered lucky, because we all know, if we find the end of the Rainbow, there will be a pot of gold.
- Longevity
Shou also means life, age or birthday.
Four Leaf Clover
The Four Leaf Clover is a popular Western symbol of luck, probably due to its association with St. Patrick's Day.
Four-leaf clovers do exist, they just are not as common as the
three-leaf variety. (Flora Brittanica). If you find one, it's considered
good luck. Legend goes that when Eve had to leave paradise she took a
four-leafed Clover along for Good Luck.
have long been
considered lucky in chinese astrology. The tiger is also considered a
protector against several evils, including being robbed and fires.
Tursaansydan or
mursunsydan ("heart of the walrus") is an ancient symbol used in
Northern Europe. It was especially popular in Lapland. Some say it was
used on Lappish shaman drums. The symbol originates from prehistoric
times and incorporates a swastika.
tursaansydän was believed to bring good luck and
protect from curses, and was used as a decorative motif on wooden
furniture and buildings in Finland. During the 18th century the simple
swastika became more popular in Finnish wood decoration than the more
complex tursaansydan.
have become a common tradition
at Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter dinners. The general rule is that
the wishbone is saved from the turkey or chicken dinner and dried
overnight. The next day, two people snap it while making a wish. Each
person uses their pinky finger to pull on an end. After the bone has
broken, the one with the larger bit is granted their wish.