Sunday 17 February 2013

do ghost actually give benefits for us , how do we know??

Harness of spirit is the next energy resources!!

  1. when they alive they store a lot of energy when we died we release that energy to this earth.
  2. since the earth begin there are approximately 10,0000000000000000 people who has live in this earth. Imagine the ghost around us right now, they could be everywhere.
  3. that energy if we the living not use for a good purpose it is waste of energy and for them itself because they live once and the memory of that places also keep the dead energy.
  4. the question is did reincarnation really exist , if it did well we are the cycle of that energy and ghost is definitely do not exist!

start thinking the impossible, the impossible could be happen in the next maybe 200 year after I wrote this!

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