Saturday 17 December 2011

Light Yagami and how to be genius like him

the human brain is built with billions of neurons .neurons and the branches are growing and maturing rapidly when the child in the womb to reach six years old. development of the human brain based on neuron synapse network construction 25% at birth and maturity of the network formed at the age of six months 50%, 85% three years and six years of 95%.people who do not think the minimum has 10,000 million brain cells. hardworking people think a brain 1000000000000
million brain cells.

Keep it thinking what ever you want , this is free and you not need to buy it with your money and next you will become smart like Kira.

  • to much thinking can give you headache.
  • you may develop neurotic disease ( thinking to much )

click on me , Light yagami , If you wish to become brilliant like me

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