Sunday 23 December 2012

Friday 14 December 2012

one direction or 2 direction Probably gays ... hARRY STYLES IS NOT

click on his image to see their hot photos!! I am not kidding.

Tuesday 11 December 2012

why human masturbation , becaUSe there is stimulation.

My thought on human sexual stimulation. This we can call sin or whatever but my thinking is different, I don’t know for what anyone else thinking about it. I started with it surely from an early age but as children we a forbid to know about it , but strange thing happen when I was 14 years old. The development of testikel getting larger and I don’t know what the masturbation meanin that time. I  load something that I can't mention here. Something evil or this is normal because every human experience that feeling but maybe somebody don’t. The first time feeling is so fresh, addicted,nervous,scare and the most important part is I want to say pleasure! Wow feeling is inside my body that time.Lets talk about the sexual attractive, to opposite gender. This happened not in teenage yearbut it happen since I was a child maybe 7 years old. Penis erect when stimulation happen, I don’t know what it mean , why the opposite gender attract to this.So far since I know about this feeling I start to discover to find the answer. As long I live and find the information I know everything about it. The norm that are noy usually I know now I see. Something ridiculous , not I never thought about it in my mind before. You want it, maybe you want it. All depression is happen  when this feeling from sexual interest. Many year I try discover about myself. I don’t like reality that is. I know that reality is not better place for me, but sometimes I think reality is not too bad. Superconscious happen only when you are alone … alone with nature without other human soul. This is my thought in superconscious . The definition of conscious is when I write this and I thinking at present or now. subconscious   is when part of my mind is still thinking although I don’t think about it consciously. The dream is part of subconscious. This is only my thought of 3  definition of Superconscious, subsconcious ,and conscious. What make me happy about opposite gender is maybe they give me inspiration to strive me to do something creative. Second thing is maybe because of hormone . Hormone to love something so we can produce more of our species so our species wont face extinction . That maybe the purpose behind of this hormone

Wednesday 5 December 2012

concept of karma , Fate , attitude , and relationship between them

We come into this world by Fate! This is one , and then we produce Attitude! this attitude would produce Karma!. we actually live in this # cycle ! Who not believe in karma please believe it! Someone you never know to be your friend that was your Fate!. You make art although you not an artist . You make Attitude!  Then suddenly without knowing it or a 7 year later your art is seen by the world , That was Karma! Good attitude produce good Karma ! Bad attitude produce bad karma! You would never publish the art to the world if you never drawing it , right! so 2 thing is connecting between each other! If bad karma come to you , nothing else to do but you can change your attitude to stop the karma or reduce bad luck . it same like if you never learn about computer even touch it you will never see this even read this.

Monday 19 November 2012

ouija board is f**** dangerous

To some the Ouija Board is more than a game, it is a channel to the otherworld where anything is possible and danger is at every corner of your house! they seeking you to eat your soul and make you their friends.,, so be aware when you play this fucking game..

To others it is simply a social game similar to Monopoly and Scrabble with nothing at all behind it.
Whatever your belief, throughout this site I will document my experiences with the board and offer some advice to help you get the most out of it. To they who don't know how to play this fucking game . I show you step by step how to play and make this ouija board.. I can feel your fear now
,you fear of ghost ... you fear how it would end, what kinds of ghost would you meeting , maybe ghost sleep next you in the morning , how you want talk to them , here i guide you how you want to start play ouija board( source from: ehow)

1.set the board up on a hard flat surface. the planchette on the board. If planchette is not available , a small, clear drinking glass can be used.

3.Have the participants place their fingertips lightly on the planchatte .

4. Ask the board a question, or invite specific spirit to join you.

5.Wait for the planchatte to move.

6. See if the planchatte spells out any particular words or numbers that may make sense to any of the participants.

Tips while play this game
- play during midnight
-play at amytiville house or other hunted house
-dont be afraid when the spirits come to you . this is a chance to you to know what afterlife meaning .

Place the planchette on the board. If a planchette is not available, a small, clear drinking glass can be used.

Read more: How to Play Ouija Board |

Place the planchette on the board. If a planchette is not available, a small, clear drinking glass can be used.

Read more: How to Play Ouija Board |

First introduced in 1890, Ouija boards, also known as talking boards, have become very popular with the American public. They are used for divination, spiritualism or just simple entertainment for people of all ages. The most popular variation of the Ouija board is made by the Parker Brothers

Read more: How to Play Ouija Board |
First introduced in 1890, Ouija boards, also known as talking boards, have become very popular with the American public. They are used for divination, spiritualism or just simple entertainment for people of all ages. The most popular variation of the Ouija board is made by the Parker Brothers.

Read more: How to Play Ouija Board |
First introduced in 1890, Ouija boards, also known as talking boards, have become very popular with the American public. They are used for divination, spiritualism or just simple entertainment for people of all ages. The most popular variation of the Ouija board is made by the Parker Brothers

Read more: How to Play Ouija Board |

First introduced in 1890, Ouija boards, also known as talking boards, have become very popular with the American public. They are used for divination, spiritualism or just simple entertainment for people of all ages. The most popular variation of the Ouija board is made by the Parker Brothers.

Read more: How to Play Ouija Board |

body bags comic

Friday 16 November 2012

criss anGel my inspiratiOn

cLiCk On ImAgE , If YoU WiSh To LeArN MaGiC TrIcK From CrIss

Criss Angel
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Criss Angel

Christopher Nicholas Sarantakos
December 19, 1967 (age 43)
Magician, Illusionist, musician, songwriter, hypnotist, stunt performer, actor, escapologist
Years active
Net worth
US$17 million (2010)
Orthodox Christian
JoAnn Winkhart (2002-2005) (divorced)

Christopher Nicholas Sarantakos (born December 19, 1967), better known by the stage name Criss Angel, is an American illusionist, stunt performer, musician, and actor. He is best known for starring in the television show, Criss Angel Mindfreak and his live performance illusion show Criss Angel Believe in artistic collaboration with Cirque du Soleil at the Luxor casino in Las VegasNevada.
He made numerous special television guest appearances on WWE RawThe Oprah Winfrey ShowThe Late Late Show with Craig FergusonJimmy Kimmel Live!The Megan Mullally ShowThe Ellen Show,AVN Awards Show 2007 and Larry King Live on CNN. He also made a guest acting appearance on the hit television shows CSI: NY and Las Vegas.

 Early life
Son of Greek-Americans John and Dimitra Sarantakos, Christopher Nicholas Sarantakos was raised in East Meadow, Long Island, New York, with two brothers, Costa and J.D His father owned a restaurant and doughnut shop and was devoted to personal fitness before dying of cancer in 1998.[1] Angel was first introduced to magic at age 6, after his Aunt Stella taught him a card trick. His interest grew and by the time he graduated from East Meadow High School, he was not interested in attending college. He aimed at becoming a professional magician.
 Criss Angel Mindfreak
Main article: Criss Angel Mindfreak
Criss Angel was the creator of the A&E Network show Criss Angel Mindfreak. Seasons 1 and 2 were filmed at The Aladdin in Las Vegas, with Season 3 at the Luxor Las Vegas. Premiering on July 20, 2005, the illusions have included walking on waterlevitating, walking up the side of Luxor Hotel (in the light of 39 focused lamps that can be seen from space[2]), floating between two buildings, causing a Lamborghini to disappear, surviving in an exploding C4 Crate, cutting himself in half in full view of an audience and getting run over by a steamroller while lying on a bed of broken glass. Also in season 3 he was known for jumping out of a moving car. Angel was injured and stopped production for 3 weeks.[3]
 Criss Angel Believe
Main article: Criss Angel Believe
Criss Angel collaborated with Cirque du Soleil to create Criss Angel Believe, a live show at the Luxor casino in Las Vegas, which starred Criss Angel, who was billed as "co-writer, illusions creator and designer, original concept creator and star."[4]
Angel originally tried to develop the show for a Broadway run, as well as other casinos. Eventually, what became Believe came together when he entered a partnership with Cirque du Soleil and the Luxor's parent company, MGM Mirage, financed the show with $100 million.[4]
After several delays, the show was set for a Gala opening on October 31, 2008, with preview shows in late September.[5][6][7] The initial preview was not well received, with thoroughly negative audience reactions.[8][9]The show opened to equally harsh reviews which cited a lack of the magic Angel is known for, as well as a confusing and uninteresting theme. Reviewers felt neither Angel nor Cirque du Soleil were able to perform to their capabilities.[10][11][12][13] In April 2009, Angel ended a performance of Believe by "hurling obscene insults" at Perez Hilton, who was an audience member. Hilton reportedly had texted to his fans during the performance that the show was "unbelievably BAD" and that he'd "rather be getting a root canal", and word had gotten back to Angel by the end of the performance.[14][15] Cirque du Soleil later apologized to Hilton for Angel's remarks.[16] [17]
Starting in October 2007 he appeared as a judge on Phenomenon, with Uri Geller and in a CNN interview about the show he told Larry King "no one has the ability, that I'm aware of, to do anything supernatural, psychic, talk to the dead. And that was what I said I was going to do with Phenomenon. If somebody goes on that show and claims to have supernatural psychic ability, I'm going to bust [him] live and on television."[18]
On the October 31, 2007 episode of the reality show PhenomenonParanormalist Jim Callahan performed a summoning, purportedly of author Raymond Hill, to help discover the contents of a locked box.[19] Although fellow judge Uri Geller praised the performance, Angel called it "comical" and subsequently challenged both Callahan and Geller to guess the contents of two envelopes he pulled out of his pocket, offering a million dollars of his own money to whoever could do so. This led to an argument between Callahan and Angel, during which Callahan walked toward Angel and called him an "ideological bigot", with the two pulled apart as the show promptly went to a commercial break. Angel has since revealed the contents of one envelope and at the unveiling he challenged Geller one more time. Geller responded, "Although we were born one day apart - I was born on the 20th of December and you on the 19th - a lot of years between us - 40 years, you were one year old when I came out with my spoon bending..." Criss Angel cut him off at this point, saying, "I guess this is a 'no,'" and proceeded to open the envelope. The envelope contained an index card with the numbers "911" printed on it for September 11, 2001. Criss' explanation was this: "If on 9-10 somebody could have predicted that 9-11 was going to happen, they could have saved thousands of lives". Some Geller supporters point out Geller did mention the numbers one and 19 and count it as a success since he did get the digits right. Geller in fact mentioned five digits in his speech (0, 1, 2, 4, 9) as well as the month of December. The other envelope's contents was scheduled to be revealed on the first episode of Season 4 of Criss Angel: Mindfreak. However, the contents of the other envelope were never revealed and remain a mystery to this day.
Other media
Angel with Tommy Lee
Angel was parodied in The Simpsons episode The Great Simpsina.
Angel was loosely parodied in Ugly Americans episode Kill Mark Kill as Christ Angel, Leonard's older yet younger-looking brother.
Angel was parodied in Robot Chicken. In the episode I Love Her, Criss Angel becomes a substitute teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and tries to use Mindfreak on Harry Potter and his friends.
In 2011, Angel appeared in an Orville Redenbacher popcorn commercial.
In 2011, Angel appeared as himself in an episode of Rules of Engagement.
Angel was also parodied in season 4, episode 12, Criss Angel is a Douchebag of Supernatural. The episode featured a young magician performing flashy tricks to generic sounding dark rock music, while wearing goth makeup and costume, as a foil to the elderly magicians casting real and harmful spells.
 Personal life
In 2002, Angel married his longtime girlfriend JoAnn Winkhart (now JoAnn Sarantakos). The couple filed for divorce four years later.[1] Although Angel was seen with his wife in the buried alive illusion (season 1, episode 6, 2005) and the body suspension illusion (season 1, episode 5, 2005), she was not credited as his wife; rather, she was listed as "Criss's Girl". During the divorce proceedings, the attorney for Angel's estranged wife claimed that their relationship was kept secret to further Angel's career.[20]
In November 2008, Angel began dating Holly Madison, former girlfriend of Hugh Hefner.[21] The relationship ended in February 2009.[22]


Windows vs Mac

Wednesday 14 November 2012

The hobbit 2012, the shire, the hobbit house

The hobbit is my cute friend. click on image to see what they can do for you!

Paradise by Coldplay

Oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo.
Oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo.
When she was just a girl,
She expected the world,
But it flew away from her reach,
So she ran away in her sleep.
And dreamed of para-para-paradise,
Every time she closed her eyes.
Oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo.
Oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo.
When she was just a girl,
She expected the world,
But it flew away from her reach,
And bullets catching her teeth.
Life goes on,
It gets so heavy,
The wheel breaks the butterfly.
Every tear, a waterfall.
In the night, the stormy night,
She closed her eyes.
In the night, the stormy night,
Away she flied.
And dream of para-para-paradise,
Whoa-oh-oh oh-oooh oh-oh-oh.
She dreamed of para-para-paradise,
Whoa-oh-oh oh-oooh oh-oh-oh.
So lying underneath the stormy skies.
She said oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh.
I know the sun's set to rise.
This could be para-para-paradise,
Could be para-para-paradise,
Whoa-oh-oh oh-oooh oh-oh-oh.
This could be para-para-paradise,
Could be para-para-paradise,
Whoa-oh-oh oh-oooh oh-oh-oh.
(Oh, oh. Oo-oo-oo-oo-oo.)
This could be para-para-paradise,
Whoa-oh-oh oh-oooh oh-oh-oh.
Oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-ooo, oo-oo-oo
Oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-ooo, oo-oo-oo
Oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-ooo, oo-oo-oo
Oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-ooo...
Published by
Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group

Read more: Coldplay - Paradise Lyrics | MetroLyrics 

Monday 12 November 2012

Yaei ----we will bring you up and sunflowers

Yaei this is the way we are

The Kingest of Kongs

I'm male, 89 years old, and am a giant, Empire State Building-climbing ape.

  • Interests
    • Bananas
    • Climbing stuff
    • HTML
  • Jobs
    1. Giant ape
    2. Web developer
  • Where I Went to School
    1. Diddy Kong Jr. High School
    2. Donkey Kong Sr. High School
    3. Harvard University (BA)
    4. Yale University (JD) (Current)
  • Favorite Quotes
    • "If at first you don't succeed, climb a giant building."
    • "A banana in the hand is worth two on the tree."

Ya-ei counterculture & yaei box #yaeieternity

I was pulling your puzzles apart

I never thought that this thing gonna get big thanks for visiting this awesome page


List of my favorite things

  1. raindrops on roses
  2. whiskas on kittens
  3. call of duty: modern warfare
  4. I try la stupid baboon
  5. black magic
  6. programming
  7. goth and punks
  8. mind control
  9. liberal thinking
  10. agnostic
  11. alien
  12. cosmic radiation
  13. mutation
  14. superheroes
  15. antimatter
  16. the scientist
  17. white holes
  18. artificial intelligence
  19. cryptozoology
  20. cartoon
  21. parallel reality
  22. artificial humanoid
  23. crazy people
  24. self drive car
  25. zozo
  26. mercury
  27. venus
  28. mars

List of things I find OK

  1. mind
  2. body
  3. soul
  4. camael
  5. cassiel
  6. cathatel
  7. chamuel
  8. charmeine
  9. charoum
  10. cherubim
  11. colopatiron
  12. dina
  13. ecanus
  14. elemiah
  15. elijah
  16. ezekiel
  17. forcas
  18. forfax
  19. gabriel
  20. galgaliel
  21. gavreel
  22. gazardiel
  23. haamiah
  24. hadraniel
  25. hael
  26. hamael
  27. hamaliel
  28. hamied
  29. haniel
  30. harachel
  31. hayyel
  32. iahlel
  33. iofael
  34. isda
  35. israfel
  36. israfil
  37. izrail
  38. jamaerah
“Study the past if you would define the future.” ― Confucius

“Study the past if you would define the future.” ― Confucius

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