Wednesday 5 December 2012

concept of karma , Fate , attitude , and relationship between them

We come into this world by Fate! This is one , and then we produce Attitude! this attitude would produce Karma!. we actually live in this # cycle ! Who not believe in karma please believe it! Someone you never know to be your friend that was your Fate!. You make art although you not an artist . You make Attitude!  Then suddenly without knowing it or a 7 year later your art is seen by the world , That was Karma! Good attitude produce good Karma ! Bad attitude produce bad karma! You would never publish the art to the world if you never drawing it , right! so 2 thing is connecting between each other! If bad karma come to you , nothing else to do but you can change your attitude to stop the karma or reduce bad luck . it same like if you never learn about computer even touch it you will never see this even read this.

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