Tuesday 11 December 2012

why human masturbation , becaUSe there is stimulation.

My thought on human sexual stimulation. This we can call sin or whatever but my thinking is different, I don’t know for what anyone else thinking about it. I started with it surely from an early age but as children we a forbid to know about it , but strange thing happen when I was 14 years old. The development of testikel getting larger and I don’t know what the masturbation meanin that time. I  load something that I can't mention here. Something evil or this is normal because every human experience that feeling but maybe somebody don’t. The first time feeling is so fresh, addicted,nervous,scare and the most important part is I want to say pleasure! Wow feeling is inside my body that time.Lets talk about the sexual attractive, to opposite gender. This happened not in teenage yearbut it happen since I was a child maybe 7 years old. Penis erect when stimulation happen, I don’t know what it mean , why the opposite gender attract to this.So far since I know about this feeling I start to discover to find the answer. As long I live and find the information I know everything about it. The norm that are noy usually I know now I see. Something ridiculous , not I never thought about it in my mind before. You want it, maybe you want it. All depression is happen  when this feeling from sexual interest. Many year I try discover about myself. I don’t like reality that is. I know that reality is not better place for me, but sometimes I think reality is not too bad. Superconscious happen only when you are alone … alone with nature without other human soul. This is my thought in superconscious . The definition of conscious is when I write this and I thinking at present or now. subconscious   is when part of my mind is still thinking although I don’t think about it consciously. The dream is part of subconscious. This is only my thought of 3  definition of Superconscious, subsconcious ,and conscious. What make me happy about opposite gender is maybe they give me inspiration to strive me to do something creative. Second thing is maybe because of hormone . Hormone to love something so we can produce more of our species so our species wont face extinction . That maybe the purpose behind of this hormone

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