Wednesday 6 June 2012

House of elves

House of elves

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                       Something in the forest are missing , not everyone knows what creature live in the forest. Some folks may say the birds , animals , tree and all the species they may knows. But what about something that we never seen. I mean creature that we not see with our naked eyes that live in the forest . The creature that I was mention is an Elves. The Elves that live deep in the forest .
                     Anthoney is a man who claim meet the Elves. His experience change his life forever. He is an explorer that never satisfy in his life. He always love to go outside and camping . he never been married and he always love nature than a women. This is his problem . He has experience over twenty years as explorer but at age 44 years old everything is change his whole live forever. Guess  what he meet the elves that live in the forest .
           The elves that live in that forest has two kinds . The  white elves and dark elves. The white is a good and dark is evil  .  Anthoney is lucky because he met the white elves. Dark elves hate with human and they believe eating man flesh can increase their power .
          Anthoney meet the chief of all white elves . He introduces to Anthoney his granddaughter Elva . Elva is the prettiest elves among the elves . Anthoney felt like this is his first time fall in love but with not the same  species like him . Human fall in love with the elves.
      Anthoney walk alone in the forest . Then he found the spring water that are being told to him by The Elves chief  “humans whose drank the water from this spring will be young “ . Anthoney drink that water and he feel like one year younger than his age . he see his reflection on the mirror of the water . He see his gray hair begins to disappear. 

To be continued...

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