Wednesday 6 June 2012

Shadow man

Shadow man 

This is story about a girl name Marilyn . She is ugly and has no friends. She like boys totally indeed but no boys like her . Her classmates always make fun to her and call her names but in one night something magical happen.
     She not turn into beautiful girl but she see a man with handsome looking face sleep with her in her dream . Then she wake up and see around no one there except the doll name Andrew.
       The story of her life begin when she not want to live in this world anymore. She decide to kill herself , she can’t stand anymore hear people laughing to her and make her head  want to explode.  She took a knife and want to cut her wrist but she hear a voice told her to stop . She think that maybe her imagination but then she hear it again .
     The doll talk to him that someone is loving her. Andrew love her and then the doll appear become very handsome man .  Marilyn stunned she not know what to do . she thinks she is crazy but this is real a Very handsome man stood a front of him with naked .
    This make she so nervous. She took her cloth to wear although that is girl shirt . Then she go to town to buy some cloth for man but Andrew is hiding in her room.
Her parents freak out when their daughter buying a man cloth . they thought their daughter will become tomboy or whatever it mean.
      Marilyn enters the room and see no more Andrew there . This is insane. She seek Andrew anywhere in the house where her boyfriend goes. (I mention boyfriend although maybe this is only imaginary friends or anything) . She upsets and goes back to her room . Finally her saw the doll . Andrew become back to his old body that’s is a doll .

   Next morning , Julia is the one of  Marilyn new neighbour come visit her , she is nice and much more younger than Marilyn . Marilyn make friend with julia . 
  One day Julia enter marilyn room and took away Andrew from Marilyn bedroom . Marilyn thats time not know julia enter to her room while she is shower . Julia leave the house with the doll andrew.
     At 12 midnight hour , Marilyn want go to sleep , usually she kiss andrew before she go to sleep , but then she realise that andrew is missing !!
     She decided to find andrew tomorrow because she want to sleep . 
In her dream she dream that Andrew with the whole human body figures say goodbye to her and suddenly she wake up from the nightmare!!
     Next morning she see lot of police  officer surround their neighbour house .Marilyn wonder what is going on , but she know something terrible is happening!!

1 comment:

  1. I know this is ridicolous story from my thinking but I hope it gonna be a movie or whether a novel in the future . (we will see about that )
